Chicago Seafood Update
Chicago Seafood Update May 31 , 2011 Specials: The Copper River Sockeye Salmon have reached epic catch levels, but with the holiday weekend we won’t be resupplied until mid-week. Prices then should be quite reasonable for fillet and whole fish. Weather has put a damper on most other fisheries across the United States and Canada so selection has been limited. Stock items should be readily available, but special catches are scarce. That being said we will have something new here in the form of Golden Tilefish, from Florida . Tilefish are found right at the continental shelf and are a deepwater predator with a voracious diet of small fish as well as crab, lobster and even squid. The filets will be large being cut from 5-10 lb fish should average 3-5 lbs each. Tilefish is similar to snapper and grouper and the beautiful ...