
Showing posts from April, 2010

Wild Edibles Seafood Update

Good morning Chefs and Buyers,   Lots of new fish are scheduled to arrive in our warehouse tonight from international origins. Dayboat Icelandic cod will be coming in, these fish are just amazing. They are the same exact species as our cod ( gadus morhua ), but the cold waters they originate from and careful handling clearly differentiates them from what is available domestically. Also from Iceland we will have Arctic char. Char are closed system tank raised making them an excellent sustainable choice. Spanish turbot will be available Friday. Larger than the Chilean fish and arriving in full rigor. Everyone that used this fish the last time we had it in just raved about it. Pricing is only moderately higher, and the fish are a full size bigger 4 lbs to 6 lbs.   Halibut landings on the west coast are up and prices are inching down. Wild king salmon from the Columbia river are really nice fish and the price is also down 25%. on these spring Chinooks.   ...

Wild Edibles Seafood Update

Good day Chefs and Buyers,   The great state of Alaska and the fishermen of Sitka have shipped us some exceptional wild king salmon. Sized 11-18lbs these troll caught spring kings are rich fatty and very firm, prices are down as well. Halibut from Alaska arrived with the kings and although nice, most fish are under 20lbs today.  Live dungeness crabs from B.C., Canada round out north pacific specialties today.   Soft shell crabs are in full molt with the warmer weather coming up the coast. Most crabs are coming from South Carolina via Maryland. The Maryland crab houses are shipping live crab from the south and they are molting out in the shadows of the Chesapeake before they ship to us. Jumbos are still the most plentiful size, primes and hotels are slowly increasing in availability.   Local fish today include: fat and fabulous blackfish (tautog) from a small Rhode Island dayboat, large (2-3lb) "Greek" porgies trap caught in the Long Island ...

Wild Edibles Seafood Update

Good morning Chefs and Buyers,   We are excited to offer you stellar looking sea trout, these weakfish are ruby gilled and in mid-swim rigor. Not a targeted species we have a good but limited amount of this fine fleshed favorite. Black sea bass are readily available and as nice as ever with most specimens in the 3-4lb range. We have some smaller Onaga (2-4lbs), the larger ones sometimes get called "baseball bats" so these we will call these "billy clubs", a super fish at a very good price point. Pompanos are looking firm and resilient, these Florida fish are great filleted out or served whole, and the rich oily flesh is perfect for bold flavor pairings.    Crayfish are in house and crawling about. Green signal crayfish are harvested in the clean mountain ponds and rivers of Northern California's Rock Mountain foothills. These little freshwater "lobsters" have a cleaner taste than the southern "mudbug".   We are proud to offer...

Fw: Happy Earth Day!

Matthew Hovey 718-433-4321 ext.121 / fax 718-433-4616 cell 718-679-0641 "Hand picked specialties from the Seas" --------- Forwarded message ---------- From: "Outreach" < outreach@TNC.ORG > To: < > Date: Thu, 22 Apr 2010 12:15:47 -0400 Subject: Happy Earth Day! Message-ID: < > Received: from ( []) by with SMTP id AABF7A7TXAC5MWWS for < > (sender < outreach@TNC.ORG >); Thu, 22 Apr 2010 09:15:49 -0700 (PDT) Received: from ( []) by with SMTP id AABF7A7TWA34LLKS for < > (sender < outreach@TNC.ORG >); Thu, 22 Apr 2010 09:15:48 -0700 (PDT) Received...

Wild Edibles Seafood Update

Good day Chefs and Buyers,   Flights out of Europe have resumed and we are back on track with products that rely on those airports, or were in some way affected by the recent volcanic activity. So the following items have arrived, or are coming later this evening: Icelandic Cod  Portuguese Octopus Irish Organic Salmon Scottish Salmon including Loch Duart, (arrives tonight). Dover Sole Spanish Turbot (incoming Tuesday) From the south we have gleaming silver Spanish mackerel, large pompano, American red snapper (mostly 2-4lbs), Yellowtail snappers (2-4lb), yellow corvina from Costa Rica, small (3lb average) grey tile from the Carolina shelf, Extra fancy Tautog that are so set up you could hammer in a nail with them. Fluke are still nice and plentiful, and we are trying to line up good wild striped bass for Tuesday.   Salmon prices may continue to rise with no ceiling in sight, prices are up over 32% from the same tim...

Wild Edibles Seafood Update

Happy Earth Day Chefs and Buyers, We have a great selection of fancy fish that are great for plate service. Beautiful pink snappers (1-3lbs) from Florida just arrived, the pink snapper is actually a member of the bream family and has delicate white flesh like dorade. Real solid black sea bass are available in large (1.75lbs avg) and jumbo (3-5lb) sizes, these are super fancy fish with bright crimson gills and board stiff. A fish we wish we could have gotten more of, blackfish also called tautog is on our short list of the best eating fish. Tautog (2-6lbs) feeds mostly on small invertebrates like crustacean and shellfish so the flesh of the fish takes on a sweet crab like quality. Wild stripe bass are being landed in Virginia and Delaware with the bigger fish mostly coming from the former, all are vibrant and firm fleshed. Corvina has been growing in popularity so we have new fish coming from Costa Rica, they are headed and gutted with sturdy flesh and yellow and gold ...

Wild Edibles Seafood Update

Good day Chefs and Buyers,   European flights are starting to get under way and room for cargo should open up this weekend. So by Tuesday next week we hope that affected fish like Dover sole, Scottish and Irish salmon will be arriving as normal. Until then we do have high quality frozen Dover in a range of sizes, and we have an Organic farmed king salmon from British Columbia available as well. Called Creative Kings these 8-12lb fancy Chinooks are a little more expensive than the Atlantic organics, but we have had some great feedback with at least one customer making a permanent switch. We will be taking orders for Dover sole Thursday for delivery Monday or Tuesday.   There is a new Northeast Groundfish Management Plan set to go into affect May 1st. The plan is being greeted with mixed emotions to say the least. For the first time ever, all catch will be governed by quotas on landings and discards. While this new regulation is sure to al...

Wild Edibles Seafood Update

Hello Chefs and Buyers,   Wild striped bass prices remain stable and the fish are beautiful in your choice of smaller (8-12lb) Delaware fish or the larger (12-20lb) Virginia rockets. Blues are running up along with the bass as they both feed on small forage fish. You can tell that they are all well fed this year as both fish are yielding thick fillets.   Snappers are tending to be large out of the Gulf and we have more large (6-8lbs) American reds today. These big red beauties are bright and resilient with big fillets that are easily portioned. Smaller sizes are available too, and just as nice.   Escolar and mahi, as well as Spanish mackerel are arriving late tonight just in time for mid week menus.   Todays featured oyster is the Wawenauk Oyster from the clean remote Damariscotta River, ME. Gently raised by the nice folks that produce oyster seed for many of your other favorite East Coast oysters,...


uma·mi Pronunciation: \ü- ˈ mä-mē\ Function: noun Etymology: Japanese, savoriness, flavor Date: 1979 : a taste sensation that is meaty or savory and is produced by several amino acids and nucleotides (as glutamate and aspartate) from Merriam Webster Oysters are always listed as an example of the fifth taste of umami, so it seems only fitting that someone would name their oyster after this. The Umami oyster is from Rhode Island and UMAMI OYSTER - Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island, USA Another tasty treat from Salt Water Farms! Salt Water Farms is a carefully sighted shellfish farm, producing a sustainable crop in the East Passage of Narragansett Bay. This site is located in deep water (up to 50ft) where strong tides wash billions of microscopic plankton over long-line suspended oyster cages. Well established as the grower of Quonset Point and Beavertail Oysters® , Salt Water Farms will seasonally harvest another savory brand of oysters. Umami literally means “taste sensation”...

Wild Edibles Seafood Update

Good morning Chefs and Buyers,   Hope everyone had a great weekend. There is still some problems with flights out of Northern Europe because of volcanic ash that have left us short on a few items like Dover sole, and we are still waiting to see if we can get product on  a flight later this week. Spain and Portugal are so far unaffected so sardines have landed and are available today.   Arriving this morning we have some great fish from our guys in Apalachicola, Florida. Crispy fresh 16/20 shrimp tails, metallic silver and graphite colored Spanish mackerel, domestic red grouper, and large American red snappers with candy red gills are all just in today and ready for you to appreciate.   We have fresh frog legs in today, they flew out the door last time, so order early before they are sold out again. Razor clams and live sea scallops in the shell are also available, both items are fresh and full of vigor and ready to impress your guests.   Local...

Wild Edibles Seafood Update

Good day Chefs and Buyers,   Farmed salmon prices are still on the rise. Usually we can expect to see some relief after the Easter holiday, but this year it has not come. Due to the virtual disappearance of Chilean salmon in the world market supply is tight. Chilean salmon farms have been dealing with disease outbreaks that have forced producers to cull salmon and leave sites fallow. Additionally world demand is up an estimated 6%, and the US dollar is relatively weak. The remaining countries have continued to ask higher prices and are able to get them in light of the current market conditions.

Fw: Earth Day 2010

Dear Matthew, Thanks for so much great info about sustainable seafood - it's hard to keep up with the latest news on this issue but you seem to be very up to date. I love food related ways to further the cause of conservation! I am working with The Nature Conservancy on their 2010 Earth Day campaign. We're taking a unique approach to Earth Day by providing simple things the average person can do to help protect oceans. Our Top 5 Earth Day Actions encourage protecting oceans in ways ranging from shopping with reusable bags to adopting a coral reef. #2 Eat Sustainably has recipes for sustainable seafood from chefs Mario Batali and Dan Barber. It's really the little things that help make our oceans healthy. Please check out our Earth Day mini-site at and the Top 5 Earth Day action list below - it includes social network messaging. If you like the list, we'd appreciate a link back or post to your readers about our efforts on your blog; and any s...

Wild Edibles Seafood Update

Good day Chefs and Buyers,   We went a little crawfish crazy today. There is something about the rich earthy flavor of this humble crustacean that evokes this changing time of year. Today we have fresh and never frozen crawfish tail meats. They are a fine canvas and would be equally at home in hot or cold dishes. Poulet aux ecrevisses anyone? Use in place of lobster, shrimp or crab meat these plump little tails are a rare specialty. Packed in 1lb units with the flavorful coral and fat bathing the tail meats. Since it takes 6lbs of whole crayfish to make a pound of meat this is truly a good value.   Another southern specialty that will be forever tied to New Orleans is the redfish, as in blackened redfish. We have these very firm fleshed fish in today from an excellent producer in Texas. Redfish are members of the drum family they are characterized by having stout cylindrical bodies and rich firm flesh that can stand up to a variety of cooking meth...

Wild Edible Seafood Update

Good morning Chefs and Buyers,   We cannot say enough about soft shelled cray fish. This is an item that is sure to entice your guests. They are tasty when simply fried up, so with some culinary creativity they are sure to astound.   Until soft crabs show up strong and reasonably priced in a month or so these might be worth a look .   Fresh fish selections in today include: Suzuki sea bass, Australian farmed and sustainable, 5-7lbs h&g Wild troll caught King salmon, say no more Chilean Turbot, cookie cutter perfect Uber-fresh whitebait, eperlain if you prefer Mahi, iridescent and rigid today Pemaquid oysters are one of our new favorites. Since some Massachusetts producers have been unable to supply the quality and quantities needed we have expanded our oyster selection to include more variety and better products. Pemaquid oysters from Maine are the answer t...

Soft Shell Crayfish

It is not often that something new comes along. Alright, so maybe soft shell crayfish are not new, but it has been at least 5 years since I last saw them. In the early 90's more than a dozen operations were set up to produce these crayfish. Unfortunately the economics of it did not pan out for most. There is a lot of waiting and intensive labor involved to bring soft shell crays to market. The range of sales for them has been limited to a few hundred miles of origin because of low yields and limited marketing. I recently purchased a good amount from the producer being only second in volume to Buckhead Beef in Atlanta I was told. I took home a couple dozen in the spirit of quality control, cooked them simply and was very happy with the resulting dish. Soft Shelled Crayfish with Sun dried Tomato and Anchovy Mayonnaise 2 dozen soft shelled crayfish 1 cup flour paprika, old bay, salt & pepper as desired neutral oil for frying for the dipping sauce 1/4 cup mayo 2 pieces sun dried to...

Wild Edibles Seafood Update

Good morning everyone,   Just arrived today from Iceland we have in big fresh dayboat cod, halibut and arctic char just in time to relieve some pressure on local shortages. We also have in new today halibut from Nova Scotia, the fish from both origins are in rigor and less than 24 hours out of frigid waters.   Grouper and Mahi are both in today from Mexican gulf waters and both are glistening with freshness and vivid colors that are indicative of their high quality. Corvina is in from Costa Rica since we had such a high demand last week. Domestic gulf products are in from Florida as well including; American red snappers, fresh 16/20 shrimp tails and grouper as well.   Todays specials of note are:   Mongchong / big scale pomfret, ( t aractichthys steindachneri ) about 6lbs each these fish are a bycatch of the tuna fishing particularly in Hawaii, they have a delicate white flake when cooked and are good and fatty like hiramasa, they ar...

Wild Edibles Seafood Update

Good day everyone,   Just a quick note to Loch Duart users; the fish are now from the new generation and are smaller in size with a much subtler flesh, just in time to pair with delicate spring vegetables and lighter sauces. Most of these salmons will be about 8lbs for the next few months while they mature. We also will have Irish organic salmon that are larger in size and with higher fat content. Speaking of high fat content, it is worth taking a look at these California sturgeon we have. Each sturgeon is sustainable, raised in a closed system on a natural diet. Sent to us head, collar and tail off bullets so the yield is incredible, and they eat like steak.    From our friends to the south we have in large 8-12lb golden tile, just in from the boats of Barnegat Light, NJ. We have a school of Pompano sized 1-3lbs, the Florida watermen roast them on planks and enjoy them with cold beers, but since the catches are up they are sending them to New York as ...

Wild Edibles Seafood Update

Good day Chefs and Buyers,   Wednesday here at Wild Edibles has us searching hard for quality fish. Most if not all of the "day boats" are tied up and not fishing. This is an annual occurrence because of the limited allotment allowed for "days at sea". In simple terms they must wait  about 30 days to return to fishing. With anticipated new regulations that will establish individual quotas expected we hope that the day boats will be allowed to continue on with this more sustainable catch method vs. the drag boats. We hope to have Icelandic fish in this weekend and will keep you posted.   Specials we are extremely proud of include: Live Sea Scallops in the Shell plump little whitebait Delaware striped bass (there getting bigger, 6-15lbs) Arctic Char, sustainable closed system raised At this time we are waiting on Columbia Wild King Salmon to arrive at the airport, give us a call if you have any interest.   ...

"Local" Silver Dory

Silver Dory, zenopsis conchifer (aka. American dory, local dory) is a deep water species of benthic fish that can be found in Atlantic waters, it is related to John Dory but differs in appearance being much more slender and compressed with monochromatic silver coloring in adults, and lacking the bold black "thumb print", although juveniles of this species may have similar light markings that fade with age. The dory is a good food fish with firm mild flavored white flesh and a fine flake. The fillets are rather thin and yield is only about 25% meat from whole fish. The range of this dory in the Americas is from Nova Scotia's Sable Island and south to the Carolinas. The silver dory is a deep water species and is found from 60 meters to 600 meters depths, most being found in depths near 150 meters on or near the continental shelf. There is no targeted fishery for dory and most are caught as incidental bycatch in deep water trawls (ie. deep water loligo squi...

Wild Edibles Seafood Update

Good day Chefs and Buyers,   With the holiday weekend there was not very much fishing being done, and unfortunately some prices reflect that today. A simple matter of supply and demand. Inventories should increase over the next few days and prices will stabilize for the weekend.   We just covered orders of Wild Striped Bass today. Delaware is open and the fish are brilliant but run smaller than the Virginia and Maryland runs we have been seeing, more landings will occur as the week progresses. For something different we are offering Robalo also known as Snook. Firm fleshed and mild this is a great alternative to Corvina or striped bass, and since it is already headed and gutted (6-8lbs) it has a yield of over 60% making it very food cost friendly.   American red snappers in today are stellar, and the fresh shrimp also from Florida are sweet and crisp. King mackerel were too pretty to pass up on so we have a couple hundred pounds of these rich fu...

Seafood in the News

Ice included in seafood price Los Angeles Times In some cases in California as much as 40% of the listed weight of seafood was from an ice glaze used to preserve the product, the National Conference on ... See all stories on this topic In Florida, the Seafood Becomes Less Local New York Times The postcard Florida experience: sun, fun and plenty of local seafood . It was the latter that brought Gary and Vicki Haller from Kansas to Wahoo's here last ... See all stories on this topic South Africa, China Sign Mohair, Seafood Deals, Bus. Day Says Bloomberg By Paul Richardson April 1 (Bloomberg) -- South Africa and China signed 2.3 billion-rand ($315.3 million) worth of deals that will result in South Africa ... See all stories on this topic Trader Joe's to Sell Only Sustainable Seafood Natural Products Marketplace All of Trader Joe...

Wild Edibles Seafood Update

Good day Chefs and Buyers,   We sure hope you had a great weekend. Looks like we will have the same mild weather the next few days, and that has got to be good for business. With the Hunt's Point market closed today many shipments were put off a day. Our coolers are bare today so everything Tuesday will be brand new. Included in the line up will be:   fresh Florida Shrimp 16/20 per lb American Red Snappers 1-2lb and 2-4lb Mexican Red Grouper 5-10lbs Mahi-mahi from Panama Super Sturgeon Dayboat Cod and Haddock Over 25 varieties of east and west oysters domestic Swordfish "We never know the worth of water till the well is dry."   ~Thomas Fuller   Happy Dyngus day,   Matthew Hovey 718-433-4321 ext.121 / fax 718-433-4616 "Hand picked specialties from the Seas"

Wild Edibles Seafood Update

Good day Chefs and Buyers,   We usually do not send out this update on Friday, but today we want to share a few important tidbits of information.   First of all we will be open Saturday and Monday as normal . We do not anticipate any major shortages of product with the exception of: cockles, large quahogs (cherrys and chowders), wild and farmed striped bass. Please give substitution instructions or specify no sub.   Secondly we have a few extra specials that are available for the weekend. Wild King Salmon (11-13lbs), Troll caught Columbia River, AK Whitebait (spearing), wild Canada Silver Dory (1-3lb), wild Long Island  Black Sea Bass, wild CT "He who has injured thee was either stronger or weaker than thee. If weaker, spare him; if stronger, spare thyself." ~ William Shakespeare   Have a great holiday weekend,   Matthew Hovey 718-433-4321 ext.121 / fax 718-...

Wild Edibles Seafood

Good morning Chefs and Buyers,   No foolin' here today the fish are awesome! The overall quality of everything is so good it is hard to narrow things down. So to make things as simple as possible we have organized them by areas of origin.   Domestic: Spanish Mackerel (1lb avg.), Long Island Striped Bass, Rock (10-20lb), Potomac River Area, VA and MD Fluke (2-8lbs), Long Island Pollack "Boston Blues", George's Banks, MA Halibut (mostly 10-20lbs), Alaska Sturgeon, California Europe: Turbot 4-6lbs, Spain Sardines, Portugal Cuttlefish, Portugal Dover Sole (16-20), Holland Arctic Char, Iceland Organic Steelhead Trout, Ireland Other: Yellow eyed Red Snapper (8lb avg), Mexico Red grouper (6-12lb), Mexico Hiramasa / yellowtail kingfish, Australia Corvina, Costa Rica   The weekend weather will be beautiful, for a change. We have a good supply of specials and staples available in anticipa...