Thansgiving Seafood Meal

I had heard that the first Thanksgiving meal was very different than the kind we have today, it was heavy on the seafood selection! How great is that? So here is my ultimate reproduction seafood centric Thanksgiving menu suggestions
Lobster Fisherman, James Ormsbee Chapin
Soupslobster and leek bisque
cod chowder, winter squash and Holland cheese
smoked herring spread, watercress and sourdough biscuit
roasted clams and oysters, salt pork and sorrel
bay scallop, apple cider vinegar
Main Courses
whole grilled bluefish, cabbage and radish slaw
maple roasted striped bass, dried wild berry compote
chestnut and oyster cornbread dressing
Have a safe and happy Thanksgiving. If you would like to read more on the first festival that we have come to know as Thanksgiving, you can find out more by visiting these websites.
Pilgrim Hall Museum
Pilgrim Hall Museum