Nantucket Bays are on the way

Start looking for those sweet as candy scallops from the eastern seaboard. The first harvests will start on November 1st. Every year chefs start salivating at the mention of these translucent gems. Hand Harvested with rakes by a limited group of skilled people, these treats garner over $20.00 to wholesalers and distributors. The regulations do not allow harvesting to occur when the mercury falls below 29, and even in the peak of season supply can be tight. All the product is shucked nearby and packed in tins surrounded in ice. I must confess that when they first arrive in the warehouse I am quick to gobble down more than I need to determine quality. Also be on the look out for The Nantucket bays close Long Island relative: The Peconic Bay scallop. Opens a week or two later.